EU:tPoP - Defying Destiny #9

Stretch Goal #7 on the horizon and 625% funded!

Come to Gamefound

We have unlocked 5 more Stretch Goals since our last Update, and are now 625% funded! Here we take a look at the unlocked Stretch Goals as well as the next ones, and show a bunch of Defying Destiny Events. 

Unlocked Stretch Goals

So, we have romped through 5 more Stretch Goals since our last Update, and we are thrilled to see that the campaign keeps progressing at a good and steady pace! We are now 625% funded, at more than €312,000 thanks to your great support! Thank you so much! Here's a little summary of what has been achieved so far:

In addition to the Italian Realms, we have now not just one, but two, game boards in Defying Destiny, and we have the Baltic Realms, as well as 32 extra Milestones, Generic Missions, Ideas, and Power Struggles! Together with the Realm Packs, that means we have added 60 extra standard-sized cards and 56 extra mini-sized cards, for a grand total of 240 standard-sized cards and 156 mini-cards in the new Expansion! (You can see a bunch of the Defying Destiny Events further down.)

Furthermore, we have unlocked an additional Player Aid to be included with the core game (both versions) and Errata Pack.

New Stretch Goals on the Horizon

With the next Stretch Goal in line, there is now also the possibility of a brand new Playbook being added to the core games and Errata Pack, with fully illustrated gameplay examples, strategy tips, a glossary, and a step-by-step beginner scenario. This should make it a lot easier to introduce new players to the game!

On top of that, we are closing in on Stretch Goal X-1, which will add new miniature sculpts to the Extra Player Set add-on, and in all modesty, we think those are pretty cool! As soon as we have 750 bckers with that add-on in their pledge, this Stretch Goal will be unlocked. We are at 739 just now, so getting very close!

Defying Destiny Map Boards

The Holy Roman Empire map and the Combined Asia Distant Continents map came out with the exact same number of votes in the poll in the previous update, so we thought, why not see if we can have both of those and added a second map board Stretch Goal, which was quickly unlocked as well as you know. Below are a couple of work-in-progress images to give some idea of how these map boards may be cut off. Of course, they will not look exactly like this in the end, as here we've just hashed out the ideas real quick.

The HRE map will be 40 x 54 cm. On the sides there is space to put special areas that represent the Major Power that surround the HRE, like France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire.

The Asia Distant Continents map will be 40 x 27 cm and can be used in conjunction with the existing Eastern Europe Board (40 x 68 cm) for scenarios with an eastern focus and smaller footprint.

Events Made for Defying Destiny So Far

Age I:Age II:Age III (except the topmost one, which is from Age II):Age IV:Several more Events are "in progress".

EU:tPoP - Defying Destiny #8
Stretch Goal #2 + A Poll, a Song, and an Award Nomination + Czech Info